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Hello John

I hope you won't mind me approaching you via your blog? I wondered if you could help me please? Perfume is my driving force and passion, I have worked for Chanel and during my time with Guerlain I was lucky to attended a special course with Roja Dove who was always extremely complementary about my 'nose' and memory. He gave me the encouragement to 'do something' with it. Had I grown up in Grasse I may have had careers advisors who could've pointed me in the right direction but just how do you get 'into' the industry in the UK? I have applied for the IEAT course that starts in January and I have met with Michael Hawksley from Les Senteurs and he kindly told me how they got started selling the end product, however I do not think that I just want to sell it. I would love a boutique one day however, I have an enthusiasm and believe I am very good at bringing the perfumes to life for other people. I would love to write about perfume, freelance and perhaps books too. I don't know if my memory and enthusiasm would be enough to help me create fantastic scents? (God willing that would just be too wonderful!) I have seen that you run a course, but if you will forgive me? I do not want to 'play at it' I am serious about making a career somehow with the thing I love. Can you advise if the course is for people who want a bit more knowledge and a bit of a fun day out or if it would be suitable for me? If not, how would you suggest I progress? Can you offer any advice please? Any advice and guidance would be gratefully received.

With thanks and kindest regards
Gillian Sparrow
07854 100 812

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